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Cancer Horoscope

Sep 16, 2024… You could be ready to slide right into your week. If you wake to an easy-going morning, you’re likely to allow the spirit to follow you through the day. Even if it gets a little hectic off the bat, the energy is just right for you to catch a fantastic flow. Things may seem easier than usual, and it can feel like you’re gliding through without too much friction. What will you do when nothing is holding you back, Cancer?

Today’s Inspiration: Being starved of human touch can have a devastating effect on our souls. Even the most introverted and anti-touchy-feely of us need physical contact from time to time. Ever feel like you need a hug or else you might just ball your eyes out? This could be a sign of touch starvation. Connect with someone and have yourself a good cuddle or even a firm handshake. If people aren’t your thing, you might snuggle up to a pet. Having contact with other warm, living beings is a vital part of the human experience.